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Contact: +44 (0)114 2446071

Success through innovation

Our History

Back in the early 1970s Brian Bedford was a sales representative for an adhesive company, selling into tobacco factories which used starch based adhesives. As technology improved and machines began to operate faster, starch paste adhesive and the traditional concave wheel application system became a restricting factor. Brian spotted a gap in the market for an adhesive application system which would be able to resolve this issue and decided to devise it himself. C.B. Kaymich was formed in 1973.

Cigarette manufactures and many OEMs were quickly converted to the patented Kaymich method of gravity fed PVA side seam application as it enabled making machine speeds to increase significantly. In those early days Kaymich only had one product, the Side Seam Applicator which, as the industry’s first adhesive gun is still sold worldwide today.

Never afraid of challenges, Kaymich exported from its early days and the United States was its first overseas market but other markets quickly followed. Other products followed, includingpump fed systems for aqueous dispersion adhesive,  hot melt applications, PVA spray applications and filter tow spray retention systems. Kaymich was also the first player within the tobacco market place to offer a flavour application unit, again filling a niche opportunity with a ground breaking product, the reincarnation of which, the Gemini System, remains the market leading solution today.

Brian Bedford retired from the business in 2000 and his son Michael became Managing Director.

In April 2017 Kaymich was acquired by Loks Holdings under the leadership of Gautam Bathija.

Today, Kaymich continues to introduce innovative solutions and attributes success down to an ability to solve customers’ problems using simple technology.